Your biggest expense is income tax. As a business owner, you can be subject to tax as high as 50% when you combine Federal and State tax brackets. We have legal ways to reduce this burden.
Look through your financials through a tax lens instead of a profits lens.
Don't like what you see? We can fix that.
Many clients tax returns were done incorrectly or were rushed to meet a deadline, costing one client hundred's of thousands of dollars in taxes paid.
We can fix that too.
Client owns $27M of real estate held for development. Every year or so, he sells a project and has at least a $2.5M Long Term Gain. Here's our planning details... (more)
Client has multiple businesses including AirBNB, Retail, Social Media, and Brokerage and makes $2M a year personally. Here's our planning details...(more)
Client manufactures concrete masonry products and makes $1M a year personally. Here's our planning details...(more)
Client does $10M in annual sales and takes home over $1M in personal income. Here's our planning details...(more)
Client has an online store and sells $5M a year annually. They make $1.2M profit before planning. Here's our planning details...(more)
Client does $500k per year in gross sales and makes $350k per year. Here's our planning details...(more)
We will build a personal, fully customized plan based on your specific details. No catch, no gimmicks. If you like the plan, we move forward.
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Professional Excellence